What Is an Election?

  • Grade: 3-4
  • Guided Reading Level: R
  • Item: 121668
  • ISBN: 9781087605104
  • Language: English

Teach students about the process of electing government leaders! This fun, meaningful Grade 3 nonfiction reader explains how elections work and ways that individuals can get involved in government.

What Is an Election?

  • Describes the presidential election process with examples from United States history
  • Provides a short fiction piece related to the topic that will keep students invested
  • Explores major civics topics such as representative democracy and political parties
  • Includes a glossary, essential discussion questions, and a “Civics in Action” activity that will get students excited about elections and campaigns

The road to the White House begins long before Election Day and involves lots of people, as students will learn in this engaging book! This teacher-approved product provides students with a close-up look at how leaders are elected and why voting is important. The book’s colorful images pair with a rich text to explain elections and civic duties in an easy-to-follow way. With its related fiction story, helpful index, and other key features, this book will excite third grade students while teaching them how to be informed participants of a representative democracy.

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